Fundraising – organise an event

Fundraising – organise an event

Organise your own event – because every individual idea can make a difference.

If you’ve got an idea for an event, activity or adrenaline-inducing challenge – we want to hear about it. From bake sales to cross-country treks, we’re here to help.

Together, we can make a difference – improving the lives of people disabilities and learning difficulties in your community.

How we can help

We’ll be here to support you every step of the way – just let us know. If you’re thinking of taking part in one of these events, get in touch and we can start to support you. Together everyone can do their bit and make a difference!


Some ideas to get you thinking – A to Z of Fundraising Ideas


Ask – people are often a lot more willing to help than you might think!
Abseil – buildings, cranes, towers – you can hang off them all
Art – why not put on an art exhibition and change an entry fee. Or ask a local art or photography club to do this for you.
Auction – You can auction anything, or anyone!



Bath of Beans – nothing says “fun”draising more than sitting in bath of beans while others pay money to watch.
BBQ – what better way to get friends and colleagues together, and they can pay for the privilege of eating your burnt offerings
Book Sale – Clear out your old books and sell on to others


Cake Sale – always popular at work, just get lots of people to bake and sell of their wares
Car Wash – in work or at a local community centre, you could always enlist the help of a local youth group
Coffee Morning – great in a village hall, sports centre or anywhere people gather
Coins – Collect coppers or 20p’s in a smarties tube – it soon adds up


Dress Down Day – great at school or work, have pries for fancy dress to get everyone into the spirit
Donate – start up your own on-line fundraising page and ask people to donate straight onto it


Effort – the more you put in, the more you will make!


Football – hold a 5 a side tournament and ask people to pay to take part
Face Painting – get a registered face painter to delight the kids, and adults
Fancy Dress – hold a party or just a day at work or school


Golf Tournament – organise one yourself or ask the local golf club to hold a charity day for you
Guessing Games – sweets in jars, age of people, time to run a marathon – as long as people pay per guess, anything goes!
Gardens – have a garden party, come and help build a sensory garden, offer to do other people’s gardens!


Halloween – have a party, organise games or dress up


Involvement – make sure you tell as many people as you can about what you are doing


Just Giving – the easiest way to raise money is through Just Giving – just send people the link
Jumble Sale – have a clear out and sell on your unwanted “junk”!


Karaoke – have a karaoke party or ask a local pub to host one for you, and pay per song


Lend A Hand – ask people to pay for services (gardening, ironing, cleaning, driving etc)


Marathon – take up the ultimate challenge and run 26.2 miles
Music – organise a concert or have a collection at a major music event


Numbers – lucky ones! Choose the winning number and win a prize


Outside – get you and your workmates out training for a running event


Press – use local press to tell everyone what you are doing
Party – having one? Why not ask for donations instead of presents


Quiz Night – always a winner, put on your own or ask your local pub to have a charity round at their quiz where people pay a £1 to take part


Raffle – the more prizes you have the better!!


Sponsors – get sponsored to do ANYTHING, the dafter the better!


Tea Parties – invite your friends round and enjoy a cuppa and some cake, for a fee!
Talent Contest – great for schools, ask pupils to pay a small fee to enter the contest


Understand – what do you need to do to keep things safe and of course legal


Winning – make sure you have prizes people will want to win!
Wine – win it, drink it, always an event better!!

  • Investors in people
  • Positive about disabled people