Over the years, SHARE Scotland has developed a considerable understanding of the needs and aspirations of the people we support, and has helped them to successfully demonstrate that when given the chance, people with significant support needs can make their own decisions about how they want to lead the rest of their lives. But to enhance their lives even more, we need your help.
We are currently working on 2 projects which will allow the people we support to explore new skills, experiences and activites. In Glasgow we are developing a Sensory Room in our Head Office in Govan. And in the Edinburgh Area, we have an allotment, which we would love to further develop.
We also hold parties and events so that all our service users can come together and meet up, and we fundraise for these as well.
For more information on these projects, please see our Community Projects page, and if you would like to donate to Share, you can do so at www.justgiving.com/share-scotland